Tuesday, September 11, 2018

september 12


Today you have a choice:
1. Based on the couple paragraphs we read together last week, reflect & recharge your memory: Why do you think Young Goodman Brown left his house?  Where is he going?  What could possibly make him leave his Faith?

(*Since you have very little information from the text itself, feel free to use your imagination.)


2. Imagine Donald Trump's hair as an evil character.  Write a story in which you wake up with that hair on your head, and describe the battle of good and evil as it threatens to suck the brains right out of your head.

1. Journal
2. "Young Goodman Brown" reminders and next steps
3. Résumés

First draft résumé due at beginning of class on Friday 9/14.  (NOTE: this is to be typed on paper. Handwritten copies will not be accepted.  Also: PLEASE DO NOT post your résumé anywhere online -- it contains your personal information, and you want to stay in charge of who sees it and when.) 

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thank you

As often as I say it, I feel like I don't say it often enough: Thank You. Thank you for your effort, your insight, your willingness...