Thursday, May 30, 2019

may 30

Up to you.

1. Mindfulness

2. Les Mis continued

Do you think the characters in Les Mis are driven by reason, passion, or both?  Please explain your answer. (title: LES THINKING & FEELING)

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

photos you don't want to miss

I love these pictures for three reasons:
  1. They are beautiful.
  2. They teach me about phenomena and a place I knew nothing about. (Look closely: that rock isn't falling, it is sitting on ICE that has been sculpted by the wind.)
  3. Now I don't have to go to Siberia to see these things.
You can see the rest HERE.

may 29

Up to you.

1. Wanna watch a movie?  I've got an idea...

if you can fix it you can have it

[UPDATE: The speakers have been adopted.  Good luck and enjoy, Kevin!]

For years I relied on my trusty computer speakers for journal soundtracks and audio whenever I taught.

Then yesterday, I started playing a movie.

And they didn't work.

I was sad.

I've tried everything I know how to do, and I can't seem to resuscitate them.  But I don't feel good about adding more plastic to the landfill or the ocean, so before I toss them I thought I'd offer them here.  If you think you can bring them back to life, they're yours.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

may 28

Beginning this week, writing in your journal is up to you.  Writing is something that you can do every day for the rest of your life, depending on what needs it meets for you.  The journals are in the front of the room, where I am keeping them for review/writers' conferences as needed.  Choose your own topics / ideas and have fun!

***Collect Term Papers***
1. Mindfulness
2. Journal
3. Plan for the week
4. Lit circles/ writers' conferences

Monday, May 27, 2019

i'm doing my homework this weekend... are you?

Hi everyone, I hope you're enjoying the three-day weekend!  However you celebrate Memorial Day and time away from school, please remember to finish your term paper and bring the hard copy with you tomorrow.  I will collect papers at the beginning of the period.  REMINDER: due to our tight timeline this week, I have offered consistent reminders and invitations for help.  Late / incomplete papers will not be accepted for review or credit.  See you tomorrow!

If it makes you feel any better, I'm working through the last eight (!) stacks of evaluations...

Friday, May 24, 2019

masterpiece academy day 9

Thanks to our faculty!

Mario taught us about the brain (and we finally learned why he was ringing that bell)

Jose talked to us about drawing, art, and how we can do it all -- if we just believe in ourselves and try.

self-assessment questions for the semester

If you weren't in class today, please take a moment to reflect on these and answer (either in a private email to me at or on paper -- if you choose paper, please bring to class with you on Tuesday).

If you were in class, please feel free to continue your reflection and let me know if your answers change at all over the weekend.

Given all of the learning experiences we've shared together in this course:

1. What do you look back on with pride?
2. What do you look forward to with hope?
3. How are you doing on your paper?  What will you do this weekend to succeed?
4. What letter grade are you aiming for on the paper?  What grade will you earn on the semester report card?

may 24

Describe something you learned in the Masterpiece Academy this week.  What made this memorable?  Was it the content, or something the presenter did, or ...?

1. Mindfulness
2. Self-assessment & intention/prediction
3. Masterpiece Academy
  • Mario Hernandez (20 minutes)
  • Carlos Gutierrez (10 minutes)
  • Miguel Sanchez-Damian (10 minutes)
4. Journal/turn in

Thursday, May 23, 2019

masterpiece academy day 8

Thanks to today's faculty!

Dani asked a very important question:

Daisean followed with a question I researched all the time when I played basketball (and sprained my ankle, and got kicked in the ***, and tore my ACL, and ...)

Cynthia raised an important issue that people are often reluctant to discuss openly (which makes it even more important).

Lastly, Miguel brought us into the world of e-sports and what it takes to succeed.

may 23

Imagine that it's late at night.  You hear an unfamiliar sound.  What's your first reaction?  What information do you need?  What will you do?

1. Mindfulness
2. Masterpiece Academy
  • Dani Gonzalez (20 minutes)
  • Daisean Leekins (10 minutes)
  • Cynthia Ortega (10 minutes)
3. Journal
4. Work on term paper (if time)

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

masterpiece academy day 7

Thank you to our faculty!

Andrea began the day by asking a question I ask myself all the time (usually right after a student says/does something bizarre):

David helped us understand the benefits of playing sports.

David Presentation by dpreston1441 on Scribd

Citlally tackled an important -- and difficult -- topic to teach us about health insurance.

Evelin ended our day with 


may 22

*Choose your own topic.*

1. Mindfulness
2. Masterpiece Academy
  • Andrea Nuñez (20 minutes)
  • David Garcia (10 minutes)
  • Citlally Lemus (10 minutes)
  • Evelin Salcedo (10 minutes)
3. Journal
4. Work on term paper (if time)

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

masterpiece academy day 6

Thanks to our faculty du jour!

Sam ...

Abby gave us some perspective (see what I did there?) on art:

Kevin shed some light on a very poignant, important topic:

English Presentation by dpreston1441 on Scribd

Adolfo taught us all the reasons to play soccer:

Monday, May 20, 2019

may 21

Have you ever had a conversation where you thought of the PERFECT thing to say-- after the conversation was over?  Describe the conversation.  Why didn't you think to speak your mind in the moment?  What happened afterward that led you to the idea?

1. Mindfulness
2. Masterpiece Academy
  • Sam Alonso (10 minutes)
  • Abby Ardenio (15 minutes)
  • Kevin Raymundo (10 minutes)
  • Adolfo Rojas (10 minutes) 
3. Journal

masterpiece academy day 5

Thanks to today's Masterpiece Academy faculty!

Nathan shared some perspectives about what it really means to be pro-choice

Misael asked an extraordinary Big Question:

Abel showed us the personal and social value of sports in life.

Do Sport Benefit You Later on in Life by dpreston1441 on Scribd

what are you waiting for?

Your paper is due one week from tomorrow.  That means that you should bring the hard copy and turn it in at the beginning of class on Tuesday, May 28.)
You can review the assignment

may 20

Who would win in a fight between your two favorite famous people?  Describe/explain.

Choose your own topic.

1. Mindfulness

2. Masterpiece Academy

  • Nathaniel Chavez (10 minute)
  • Misael Martinez-Diaz (10 minutes)
  • Abel Santana (10 minutes)

3. Journal

Friday, May 17, 2019

masterpiece academy day 4

Thank you to our Masterpiece faculty!  We had a full day today.

Liset shared different belief systems about life after death. (But is there life after this class?)

Emmanuel introduced us to the emotions of music.  (Turns out this guy was right about minor keys.)

Araceli showed us how to introduce children to reading and technology:
Chely by dpreston1441 on Scribd

Alvaro (who may update his blog someday) told us [NOTHING] because he was absent.

Jose finished the day by helping us understand how military service experience can influence veterans who seek careers in law enforcement.

may 17

Describe something you wish you had time to do.

1. Masterpiece Academy

  • Liset Alonso (10 minutes)
  • Emmanuel Lopez (10 minutes)
  • Araceli Pacheco (10 minutes)
  • Alvaro Santana (10 minutes)
  • Jose Velasco (10 minutes)
2. Journal (please remember to turn in today)

Thursday, May 16, 2019

masterpiece academy day 3

Thanks to today's faculty!

Mari started off by teaching us about

Sleep Paralysis by dpreston1441 on Scribd

Gissel followed up with a crystal ball-esque look into the future

And finally Mariana helped us understand the art of fashion:

may 16

When you were a little kid, did you have a favorite toy?  Stuffed animal?  Imaginary friend?  Game?  Please describe this in detail.

1. Mindfulness
2. Journal
3. Masterpiece Academy

  • Mari Lopez (10 minutes)
  • Gissel Alvarado (10 minutes)
  • Jose Vargas (10 minutes)
  • Mariana Santiago-Mejia (10 minutes)

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

masterpiece academy day 2

Sometimes it feels like the traditional two-parent family is a thing of the past.  Alejandra helped us understand how children experience being raised by a single parent when the other parent isn't present at all.

Gladyz provided some insight about why people do drugs:

Then, Maria shared her intellectual journey to questioning the existence of God.  (I can't help but think that if God was real, and omniscient, and caring... then he would've gotten Citlally to class on time today.)

Our fourth presenter today was Alberto, who taught us about his experience as a mechanic.  (This firmly established Alberto as the guy everyone in class needs to know.)

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

masterpiece academy day 1

Thanks Yaraldi for a thought-provoking start!  (I wonder about this topic every day...)

may 15

Describe something that you've learned so far in the Masterpiece Academy that either: a) impressed you, b) challenged something you thought you knew, c) surprised you by teaching you something new about the topic or the speaker, and/or d) gave you an idea that can help you in your life.

1. Masterpiece Academy Day 3
  • Gladyz Hernandez (10 minutes)
  • Maria Magana (10 minutes)
  • Alejandra Medina (10 minutes)
  • Alberto Solis (10 minutes) 
2. Journal

Monday, May 13, 2019

may 14

What are you looking forward to about the Masterpiece Academy?  Does thinking about it make you excited?  Nervous?  Something else?

1. Mindfulness
2. Journal
3. Masterpiece Academy Day 1
  • Yaraldi Garcia (10 minutes)
4. Notes/evaluations
5. MGOM (if time)

may 13

This morning I saw a story about a suspenseful basketball game.  What impressed me most wasn't the game winning shot-- it was the reaction of the fans.  Why do people get so excited and spend so much energy rooting for athletes they don't really know and hardly ever meet?


Choose your own topic.

1. Mindfulness
2. Journal
3. Evaluating the Masterpiece Academy faculty

Friday, May 10, 2019

may 10

The artist Pablo Picasso once said, "Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them as an artist."  Which rules in life do you think are important to follow, and which rules do you think are OK-- necessary, even-- to break?

1. Mindfulness
2. Journal
  • Your Final / How to Prepare
  • Calendar reminders
5. Writers' conferences (*piority --> next week's presenters)

masterpiece academy final question

When the last presentation has been given, this is the question I will ask you to write on for your final reflection.  Please start a post or notes that will help you remember what's important.

For the next few weeks the Masterpiece Academy will be your showcase.  As you reflect on this experience, and your overall experience in this course throughout the year, please address the following questions in a traditional MLA-style essay.  Then post about it to your blog in any medium (music, pictures, video, animation, [?]) that brings your thesis to life.  (You may embed the original paper if you can't think of a better way to communicate.)

Please Note: Everything on the traditional paper assignment counts.  Please proofread and/or ask a friend or relative to help with organization, flow, and mechanics (capitalization, punctuation, spelling, grammar, MLA style, e.g.)

Masterpiece Academy Question

Montaigne ended his essay "Of The Education of Children" this way:

To return to my subject, there is nothing like alluring the appetite and affections; otherwise you make nothing but so many asses laden with books; by dint of the lash, you give them their pocketful of learning to keep; whereas, to do well you should not only lodge it with them, but make them espouse it. (1580)

The word espouse originally meant "to marry" and took on connotations like "embrace," "love," and "advocate."  Have you espoused learning?  Explain your growth in this course via a narrative that portrays you as the dynamic protagonist in your own Bildungsroman.  Please include the following elements.

ELEMENT 1: You have been treated as colleagues and you have been given a great deal of choice in this course; this represents a high level of trust.  Did you and the others deserve it?  Earn it?  Honor it? 

ELEMENT 2: Fiction has been called "the lie that tells the truth."  Which works, authors, or characters did you read this year that rang true enough to make you feel like they described parts of you and/or your journey? (Please mention at least three.  It makes them sad when we forget them.)

ELEMENT 3: Have you re/connected with a passion that drives you?  If so, how will you continue your learning?  If not, how will you proceed?

ELEMENT 4: [Something about literature or this course that made you laugh out loud.]

ELEMENT 5: [A unifying theme that runs through a minimum of five (5) presentations; a quality of the content, or the speakers, or their communication techniques that strikes you as something important that we have in common.]  Please illustrate/support your point with specific examples from the presentations.

ELEMENT 6: Evaluate whether you completed the hero's journey.  Are you a hero?  To what extent did you respond to the call of adventure?  Did you find a mentor, conquer a challenge, and return enlightened?

ELEMENT 7: For old time's sake, sneak in a literary technique.  Don't make a big deal out of it.  I'll know it's there.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

may 9

Describe a time you took responsibility for something-- a project, an action, a conversation.  How did the experience make you feel?


Choose your own topic

1. Mindfulness
2. Journal
3. MGOM/ independent work
4. Writers' conferences

Which two pieces (besides last weekend's essay) did you select for your conference?  Why are you proud of these?  (title: MY BEST WRITING/ first sentences: "I have a writer's conference coming up with Dr. Preston, and I am excited to go over [...] and [...].  I chose these two pieces for specific reasons.")

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

may 8


Agree or disagree with the following quote:

I have always had this view about the modern education system: we pay attention to brain development, but the development of warmheartedness we take for granted.
Dalai Lama


Choose your own topic.

1. Mindfulness
2. Journal
3. How to design a lesson
5. Individual writing / planning conferences

Monday, May 6, 2019

may 7

How's your masterpiece progressing?  Are you satisfied?  What do you still have left to do?

1. Mindfulness
2. Masterpiece Calendar
3. How we learn and how we teach: modalities, emotions, memories, and strategies/tools
4. Journal

Which learning modalities are most effective for your Masterpiece Topic?  How will you address these in your presentation?  (title: MONKEY SEE/HEAR/DO)

may 6

Describe something you really care about.  What is it about this person/place/thing that matters to you?  How would your life be different if it didn't exist?


Did anyone celebrate Cinco de Mayo?  Why?  How?


Choose your own topic.

1. Mindfulness
2. Journal
3. How to prepare for your writer's conference
4. How to prepare for your Masterpiece
5. Masterpiece sign-ups
6. Blogs/ independent work

Friday, May 3, 2019

may 3

Think back on your last writer's conference.  Do you remember what you wanted to improve in your writing?  Think about it now: are you focused on the introduction, your thesis statement, your organization, your mechanics (spelling, punctuation, capitalization, grammar), or something else?  Today, as you write this, are you excited about showing more skill in an area that once frustrated you?

1. Mindfulness
2. Journal: discussion
3. Weekend essay
4. Independent work / optional writers' conferences

1. Please remember to post your essay by noon on Sunday.
2. Please remember to continue your masterpiece research, and post anything you find that makes you think :)
3. As we begin the final month of building this semester, please review your blog.  Feel free to tweak the design, share posts to gain followers, make up any work you've missed, and add posts that reflect your knowledge/interests/passions/sense of humor and that you think will be of interest to your readers.

Thursday, May 2, 2019


OK, I am posting this, because it's not only creepy in general, but it happens to be perfectly aligned with the ideas we discussed in class today about Brave New World.  And the name.  Somaderm.  Sheesh.

may 2

How do you feel about your ignite talk now that it's over?  Are you happy?  Relieved?  Looking forward to learning more?  Thinking you could have done something better if you could do it over again?  Please explain.


Choose your own topic.

1. Mindfulness
2. Journal
* Ignite leftover (José)
3. Debrief: ignite talks and masterpieces
4. Q & A: Brave New World
5. Independent work: masterpiece and/or BNW essay
6. Optional writers' conferences

1. After Helmholtz and Bernard are exiled, John runs off to be alone.  Where does he go?  What happens when he gets there?  Describe the end of the of the novel in 6-8 sentences. (title: THE END OF A BRAVE NEW WORLD)

2. Describe at least two big ideas you got by reading the ending of Brave New World. (title: A BRAVE NEW END OF THE WORLD)

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

ignite talks

Liset: Is there life after death?  There are only theories, so I will continue my research.

Sam: How do psychedelic drugs affect the brain?

Gissel: What are some inventions for the future?  What will we face?  Some research suggests that we will become lazy when machines do everything for us.  I want to see if this is true.

Abi: I study animation and movies, and I want to learn more about the qualities of art. In this course the things we read help us understand the authors who write.  I want to do art in my own way and see how people connect to it.

Nathan: [MIA]

David: Why are sports important?  There are many benefits and I look forward to doing more research on this.

Yaraldi: From experience I've seen how young kids use technology -- is this good or bad?  Research says it can be good for kids to learn technology, but they need to limit screen time.  I will do more research and ask people their opinions.

Dani: My best friend passed away from cancer, and my mom has cancer.  I want to learn more about cancer-- 9 out of 10 people are diagnosed, and I want to know what causes it.

Carlos:  How big is space?  I've done research online and I learned that the sun will also live a few more million years before it turns into a red giant.  I want to learn more about this.

Gladyz: Why do people do drugs?  Over break I learned that many people want to forget about their problems. 

Mario: How do I become famous on YouTube?  It seems like people are funny and interesting to watch, and maybe I can use my skills to become more well-known.

Jose: Why don't people like to draw?  People don't keep trying.  Little kids draw, but it's easy to get frustrated and give up.

Daisean: What's the worst injury a basketball player can get?  A million torn achilles and broken legs every year...

Citlally: Why does the United States have health insurance?  The majority of health insurance customers seem wealthy and maybe the country saves the profits to pay down debt.

Emmanuel: How does music affect us?  Over break I spent time at a music store and experimented playing happy and sad songs to see how people reacted.  Now I am composing my own music.

Mari: What causes sleep paralysis?  One of the main causes is rapid eye movement, which influences muscle movement while we dream.  This relates to Brave New World because people take soma to sleep.

Maria: Why do some people believe that God does not exist?  I asked people and did research, and I learned that atheists and believers both have opinions that you can't disprove.  One connection to this course is that Dr. Preston gives us space to express our opinions without judging right or wrong.

Misael: What causes someone to kill another person?  I researched different crimes and I learned there are many different reasons.  I plan to do more research.

Alejandra: How is life for a person who lives with only one parent?  Kids who grow up with only one parent live with more stress than those who don't.

Andrea: Why are people the way they are?  I have done research into psychology and found that identity can relate to childhood training and brain structure.  There is a connection to Brave New World in the way people are conditioned.

Cynthia: How does abuse change a person?  I want to do more research on this to help people.

Araceli: I want to help my daughter develop.  Over the break I read a book a day to her.  In this course we discuss different ways to learn, and I want to use this information to help my daughter.

Kevin: What is life like after high school?  I talked to some people who are freaked out about it, and I learned it's best not to stress and move on.

Adolfo: There are many benefits to playing soccer.  You can meet people from other cultures and learn about them.  Over the break I played soccer and met people from different backgrounds.  I plan to learn more and get better.

Evelin: What does it take to be the best writer?  From my first research I learned you have to eliminate distractions and write down your best stories.  I want to start by writing short stories and then create a book.

Miguel: Can I really become a YouTuber or streamer?  I have a blogging camera and 250 subscribers, but this is really time-consuming and that is a challenge.  I've been recording more videos and I want to learn more about editing efficiently.

Abel: Do sports help you later on in life?  Over break I learned how sports help build character.

Alvaro: I'm curious about why some people don't like sports.  I plan to talk to people and learn more about why they don't exercise or play sports.

Mariana: I love the art of fashion.  I researched a designer named Coco Chanel, and I learned that fashion isn't just about how people dress.  In Brave New World everyone has their own personality, and we express ourselves in the way we dress.  Next I'm going to research how each of us have our own fashion identities.

Alberto:  Where do I see myself in 5-10 years?  I want to be a mechanic, so I spent the break working on cars.  I can do this everywhere.  Preston called me out on this and I want to keep learning about cars.

Jose: Is joining the military important for a career in law enforcement?  Over the break I talked to a military officer-- I was afraid of getting in trouble or even getting killed.  I saw a connection with Montag in Fahrenheit 451 because he didn't really choose to be a fireman, and I want to make a conscious choice.

may 1

JOURNAL TOPIC: (at the end of the period)

Write about your favorite ignite talk.  What was it (about the speaker's ethos/pathos/logos or the topic itself) that made the talk fun, or interesting, or memorable?

1. Ignite Talks
2. Journal

*Remember to update your blog :)

thank you

As often as I say it, I feel like I don't say it often enough: Thank You. Thank you for your effort, your insight, your willingness...