Friday, March 29, 2019

march 29

Whoa.  Our last day of March together.  How did you spend the month?  Did your habits and actions get you where you wanted to go over the last four weeks?  If you could do it over again, would you do it the same way or would you change things?


Choose your own topic.

1. Mindfulness (this is up to you today; you can do it together, at the beginning of the period or whenever someone suggests it, or you can do it by yourself, anytime)
2. Journal (happy Friday; please remember to turn in)
3. Let's try this again, shall we?  Please read BNW Chapter 9 and post your notes on your blog

Reading notes for Chapter 9 (title: BNW Reading Notes Chapter 9)

Reminder: your reading notes should focus on the character, plot elements, and literary techniques that help you understand and remember the story.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

chapter 8 quiz

  1. What does Bernard ask John to explain?  Why?
  2. Describe Linda's approach to relationships.  What effect does this have on the people of the Reservation, and how does John come to learn about it?
  3. What does Popé bring to Linda?
  4. How does John feel about Popé?  How does John act on his feelings, and how does Popé react?
  5. Describe the Shakespeare allusions in this chapter.
  6. John says that he is alone. What experiences did John have that caused him to feel this way?
  7. Why did John want to know what it felt like to be crucified?
  8. What idea does Bernard propose to John?
  9. How did John react when Bernard told him that Bernard and Lenina were not married? 
Please post the answers to these questions on your blog. (title: BNW CHAPTER 8 IDEAS)

march 28

What kind of hat suits you best?  Think of all the hats you've ever seen.  Look up "hats" on the internet if you like.  Which hat suits your personality, or the shape of your head, or a group, culture, or lifestyle that you admire?  Please describe your hat in detail and explain why you chose it.

1. Mindfulness
2. Journal
3. BNW Chapter 9

Reading notes for Chapter 9 (title: BNW Reading Notes Chapter 9)

Reminder: your reading notes should focus on the character, plot elements, and literary techniques that help you understand and remember the story.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

march 27

In Brave New World, Linda is attacked by women who are protective of their relationships with men and see her as a threat.  As we read earlier in the exchange between Fanny and Lenina, there is no such thing as monogamy or emotional commitment in the World State-- the women are upset because they live on the Reservation.  How would you describe relationship values in American culture in 2019?  Do people believe in monogamy and emotional commitment, or being intimate with multiple partners, or ...?  Please explain your answer.

1. Mindfulness
2. Journal
3. Finish Chapter 8 & post notes
4. Your digital identity
5. About your Big Questions

1. What did you find when you searched for yourself online?  Is it accurate?  Does it reflect your best self?  (title: MY ONLINE ME)

2. What have you done recently about your Big Question?  Do you think of it and/or pursue it when we don't talk about it in class?  Why/why not?  (title: BQ THOUGHTS)

3. Please post your reading notes for Chapter 8 (title: BNW Notes Chapter 8)

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

march 26

Today's topic comes with a story.  Last Friday Ms. Anderson (my former student and favorite SMJUHSD substitute teacher) dropped by just before class with some food she thought I might like.  I turned it down and asked if I could re-gift it to students.  You should have seen the smile on Ms. Anderson's face when I told her why.  Later we exchanged texts.  Mine's in blue, hers is in gray:

This is a fairly recent thing for me.  For most of my life I put away more than my fair share of burgers, steaks, chicken, ribs, eggs, fish, cheese, butter, etc.  I used to defend my way of life to my vegan and vegetarian friends.  But over time things have changed, and I've learned more about the subject.  Animals grown for food are often sickly and stuffed with antibiotics.  The way they're raised is horrible for the environment.  When my cousin had a major heart attack in December, he started eating vegan, and when he told his doctors -- some of the best -known cardiologists in San Diego -- they said, "Yup.  Us too."  That was the tipping point for me.

People eat differently for all sorts of cultural and personal reasons.  When I was in graduate school I dated a woman from Taiwan who loved plucking the eyes out of steamed catfish with her chopsticks.  In my travels I've eaten ants, grasshoppers, horse, yak, durian, Lucky Charms, and many other things that are delicious to some and disgusting to others.  There is tremendous beauty in the way our planet provides nutrition and we share that nutrition with each other.  Childhood memories, first dates, holidays & special occasions, and even business meetings revolve around food.

Today I watch students eat Hot Cheetos and processed meat and drink chocolate milk all the time, even though our school is right in the middle of some of the most fertile farmland in the world.  I don't criticize anyone for their eating habits, but I do wonder: why do any of us eat what we eat?  Because it tastes good?  Because we're used to it?  Because of our relationships with the people who make food for us?  Because we don't have enough money or enough freedom to make different choices?  Because it's the best fuel for energy or the healthiest nutrition?

What do you eat?  Why?

1. Mindfulness
2. Journal
3. Reflection on yesterday
4. BNW Chapter 8

1. How do we manage the choices in our lives that we can control?  Think back on the last few days: you're in charge of your mind, of how you wake up in the morning, and what you put in your face.  How do your decisions about these things help make you more powerful and successful?  (title: IT'S MY LIFE) 
2. Please post your Chapter 8 reading notes (title: BNW Notes Chapter 8)

please remember our agreement

Monday, March 25, 2019

why are the chairs arranged this way?

Changing circumstances trigger our orienting response.  If you find this before the end of Period 5, please comment with your answers to these questions about Chapter 7 of Brave New World.  If you get at least 3 right, you win!  (And that's worth an A.)

  1. What is John's mother's name?
  2.  Where does Linda come from?
  3. What did Lenina witness that caused her to feel rather upset and horrified?
  4. Was John's birth considered a mistake?  Why/why not?
  5. When Lenina hears the ceremonial drums beating what is she reminded of?

march 25

Do you start preparing for the day the night before?  What do you do when you first wake up?  Describe your daily morning routine.  How do you set yourself up for success each day?  Which ideas did you invent on your own, and which did you get on loan from other people?

1. Journal
2. Thoughts on your morning routine
3. Details, focus, and our brave new world

Describe something you learned about morning routines.  Describe 3 habits or practices that you will start/stop/continue supports your well-being and success.  (title: GOOD MORNING)

Want to succeed in Period 6?
We have a brave new problem you can fix
Pay attention to the details you see
And think your way to victory.

Friday, March 22, 2019

march 22

According to Lao Tzu,  

“If you are depressed you are living in the past.
If you are anxious you are living in the future.
If you are at peace you are living in the present.”

What can we do in this very moment to forget about the past and future, and focus on this very moment?

1.  Journal/discussion
2. Finish Chapter 7

Thursday, March 21, 2019

no social stability without individual stability

The voices in my head:

"Post this!"
"Don't you dare.  You have a Ph.D.,  you monkey.  This is ridiculous and it has nothing to do with the course."
"C'mon... you know students will eat it up like cat videos."
"How exactly does that support understanding American Literature?"

Alright, alright.

[To ease my conscience, someone please comment and say whether or not this sort of thing would fly in the World State.  You can read the full story HERE.]

P.S. Where does the title of this post come from?  What does it mean?  Comment with your answer and win!


Is the brave new world described in BRAVE NEW WORLD racist?  Is the book racist?  Is the author racist?  Please enlighten us with a comment below, and please be sure to support your answer with at least one piece of textual evidence from the book or another credible source.

march 21

Yesterday, after the meeting, I went to a funeral.  I saw many people expressing sympathy and empathy.  Look up both words and explain the difference.

1. Journal
2. Discussion
3. Finish Chapter 7

Chapter 7 reading notes

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

march 20


Unfortunately, the education gods have decreed that I must attend another meeting today.

Please use the journal time to write about your impressions of The Reservation.  Do you see it the way Lenina does?  Do you see it differently?  Imagine it for yourself and describe your impressions.

Please use the rest of the period to add reading notes, posts, and design elements to your blog. 

Tomorrow: we will finish Chapter 7 and plan for writers's conferences.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

march 19

JOURNAL TOPIC: [today's tunes: "C'mon Get Happy" by the Partridge Family; "The Dope Show" by Marilyn Manson; "Don't Worry Be Happy" by Bobby McFerrin]

If you compare it with the headlines, Brave New World can be a depressing, even shocking reminder that society appears to be going awry.  So why do so many people regard it as such a brilliant novel?  Why have generations of high school students been required to read about sex play and blank, staring, anesthetized adults engaged in the pursuit of pseudo-happiness?  Is there a silver lining to this dystopian Modernist literature?

1. Journal
2. Test
3. Chapter 7

a) Reading notes on Chapter 7 (title: CHAPTER 7 BNW)

b) Do you read when you're not in school?  What do you read?  Why?  If you don't read, why not?  Please enlighten your readers.  (title: READING ME) 

Monday, March 18, 2019

college admissions scandal

Some of you asked me for more information on this.  You can read about it HERE.

more on college admissions corruption

According to the author of this article, the reason for the recent college admissions scandal is that the entire system is corrupt.  What do you think?  Does any of this affect your chances to succeed?  Please comment to this post with your opinion.

march 18

This morning as I walked onto campus, I talked with a security guard about the book he was reading: Jurassic Park.  He got curious about it years after watching the movie (which was in theaters in 1993).  When I asked him how it compared, he lit up with a huge smile and said, "Man, it's awesome!"  Of all the movies you've seen, which one would you like to read so that you can imagine it for yourself?  Why?

1. Journal
2. Check in on status from last week & discuss Chapters 1-6 of BNW
*UPDATED 11:35A*
3. Finish reading Chapter 6 of BNW
4. Publish notes on your blog and review tonight for test on Chapters 1-6 tomorrow

Friday, March 15, 2019

march 14-15

Are you caught up?  Describe your independent working experience yesterday: How far did you read?  Did you post to your blog?  Did you work with your lit circle?  How did you take advantage of the freedom to choice how you used your time?  What did you learn -- from the book, from your colleagues, and/or from your decisions (that is, what will you continue today and what will you change to achieve your goals)?

1. Journal
2. Please make sure you've read to the end of Chapter 6 in Brave New World

Use your journal as a draft to post on your blog.  Please make sure to proofread-- you can also ask a friend to help double-check your mechanics)-- document your work for yesterday and today.  You can either include your reading notes in this post, or you can publish additional posts for each chapter (title: WHEN THE CAT'S AWAY THE MICE GO TO WORK)

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

march 13

Today is my sister's birthday.  Whose birthday(s) do you remember?  Why is this important?  Who remembers your birthday?  How does it make you feel when people remember... or forget?

1. Journal
2. Please post your notes for Chapter 4 if you haven't already
3. Read Chapter 5 and post your reading notes (title: BNW CHAPTER 5 NOTES)

march 12

José distracted me. Write about something interesting.

1. Journal
2. Discuss (test?) Chapter 4
3. Begin reading Chapter 5

1. In a comment to this post, please list any major questions or observations you have about Brave New World Chapters 1-5

Monday, March 11, 2019

march 11

JOURNAL TOPIC: (today's tunes: "Walking in LA" by Missing Persons; "Walking After You" by The Foo Fighters; "Walking in Memphis" by Marc Cohn)

Is walking from place to place something people do anymore?  Do you walk in your community/neighborhood?  (Slouching from locker to locker during passing periods doesn't count.)  What can you tell about a person or a culture by how much/how fast/how often they walk?

1. Journal
2. {Reading quiz??}
3. A closer read of BNW Chapters 1-3
4. Chapter 4

1. Analyze Chapter 4 (post your BNW CHAPTER 4 NOTES) & read Chapter 5 

Friday, March 8, 2019

march 8

JOURNAL TOPIC: (today's tunes: "Message in a Bottle" by The Police; "All By Myself" by Eric Carmen; "Only the Lonely" by Roy Orbison)

Tomorrow morning you wake up to discover that you are utterly alone.  (This is a familiar premise that narratives from "Twilight Zone" to "28 Days Later" have used.)  There are no neighbors, relatives, passersby, zombies-- absolutely no one.  What will you have to learn to survive?  How will you determine the value of what you learn without someone saying "good job" or giving you a grade?  Assume nothing and take nothing for granted: explain your next moves in detail.

1. Journal
2. Chapter 3
3. What's in a Word? Etymologies & Meanings of Utopia & Nirvana

Finish reading Chapter 3.  Congratulate yourself-- then read Chapter 4.  Post reading notes for both (titles: BNW CHAPTER 3 and BNW CHAPTER 4)

Thursday, March 7, 2019

march 7

JOURNAL TOPIC: [today's tunes: "We Run This" by Missy Elliot; "Upside Down" by Jack Johnson]

Everything you know about school has been reversed in this course.  The student is at the top of the organizational chart; the teacher, the community, and the tools of the Information Age all work for you now.  As the CEO of your personal learning organization, you recognize that power brings responsibility-- most importantly, the responsibility to evaluate your performance and set a course that leads to success.  So, today's journal topic is this: how are you doing on your masterpiece so far and where do you see it heading?  Are you taking initiative or waiting for direction?  Are you satisfied with the work you've done so far?  Are you optimistic about what's next?  Do you see opportunities we haven't discussed?  What guidance/support will you need in your Masterpiece Consultation?

1. Journal
2. Finish reading Chapter 2
3. A former student of mine called Brave New World "mind blowing"-- have a conversation with your colleague/s about your experience of the book so far.  Take notes and post them to your course blog (title: BRAVE NEW CONVERSATION).  Make sure to include your perspective on Huxley's writing as well as his ideas.

1. Post your notes
2. Read Chapter 3 of BNW
3. Bring a list of questions & ideas for discussion on Friday

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

march 6

JOURNAL TOPIC: [today's tunes: "The New World" by X; "Song For a Future Generation" by The B-52s; "Moonage Daydream" by David Bowie]

Describe the elements of our real-time world that you think relate-- or don't-- to Huxley's Brave New one.

1. Journal
2. Lecture/discussion on Foreword & Chapter 1

1. Analyze Chapters 2 & 3 of Brave New World and post to your blog
2. Write a draft example of your Masterpiece as a project and bring to class next Monday (3/11).  Include milestones, dates by which you'd like to accomplish them, and what your desired outcome/s might look like by June.  This doesn't have to be polished, it's a starting point for your first Masterpiece Consultation.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

7th annual latinos unidos conference

This just in. (Thanks, Christian!)

your diet sucks

Read THIS to learn more.

march 5

The original epigraph to Brave New World reads as follows:

Les utopies apparaissent bien plus réalisables qu'on ne le croyait autrefois. Et nous nous trouvons actuellement devant une question bien autrement angoissante: comment éviter leur réalisation définitive?…  Les utopies sont réalisables. La vie marche vers les utopies. Et peut-être un siècle nouveau commence-t-il, un siècle où les intellectuels et la classe cultivée rêveront aux moyens d'éviter les utopies et de retourner à une société non utopique moins "parfaite" et plus libre.

Even though it's written in French, the source was actually a Russian philosopher named Nikolai Berdyaev.  Berdyaev believed in individual freedom and creativity.  Here is the translation of his words:
Utopias seem to be much more achievable than we formerly believed them to be. Now we find ourselves presented with another alarming question: how do we prevent utopias from coming into existence? …Utopias are possible. Life tends towards the formation of utopias. Perhaps a new century will begin, a century in which intellectuals and the privileged will dream of ways to eliminate utopias and return to a non-utopic society less “perfect” and more free.”

Please interpret the epigraph and explain whether or not you think the logic is valid.  Why do you think Huxley chose this source and this text to serve as an "appetizer" for a novel that is arguably a full meal of Utopia?

1. Journal
2. Chewing on the Epigraph & Foreword
3. Finish reading Chapter 1 of Brave New World.  Continue taking careful notes on anything you see that: a) strikes you as significant to the theme, plot, tone, or characterizations in the novel; b) exemplifies any of the lit terms you've learned so far; and/or c) is extremely well-written.  Please add to your Chapter 1 post from yesterday.

Monday, March 4, 2019

march 4

Given your thoughts on the interviews over the weekend, and your personal perspective, please comment on the following quote (and make sure you understand each word):
Those who merely know about things, or only think they know, live in a state of self-conditioned and culturally conditioned somnambulism.  Those who understand given reality as it presents itself, moment by moment, are wide awake.
-Aldous Huxley, Knowledge & Understanding (1952)
1. Journal
2. Brave New World: Chapter 1  (close reading & notes)

Publish your reading notes on Chapter 1.  Highlight anything that: a) strikes you as significant to the theme, plot, tone, or characterizations in the novel; b) exemplifies any of the lit terms you've learned so far; and/or c) is extremely well-written. (title: BRAVE NEW WORLD CHAPTER 1)

Friday, March 1, 2019

march 1

Think of a person who is important in your life.  What if you realized this afternoon that you would never get to see or communicate with that person again?  What would you want s/he to know?

1. Journal
2. Reading quiz: BNW Foreword
3. Begin BNW Chapter 1
4. (if time) Revlon work (*if you know what literary technique I'm using here, comment to this post*)

how the cia approaches problem-solving

The "Phoenix Checklist" is a set of questions developed by the CIA to define and think about a problem, and how to develop a solution.  Here it is:

Why is it necessary to solve the problem?
What benefits will you receive by solving the problem?
What is the unknown?
What is it you don’t yet understand?
What is the information you have?
What isn’t the problem?
Is the information sufficient? Or is it insufficient? Or redundant? Or contradictory?
Should you draw a diagram of the problem? A figure?
Where are the boundaries of the problem?
Can you separate the various parts of the problem? Can you write them down? What are the relationships of the parts of the problem? What are the constants of the problem?
Have you seen this problem before?
Have you seen this problem in a slightly different form? Do you know a related problem?
Try to think of a familiar problem having the same or a similar unknown
Suppose you find a problem related to yours that has already been solved. Can you use it? Can you use its method?
Can you restate your problem? How many different ways can you restate it? More general? More specific? Can the rules be changed?
What are the best, worst and most probable cases you can imagine?
Can you solve the whole problem? Part of the problem?
What would you like the resolution to be? Can you picture it?
How much of the unknown can you determine?
Can you derive something useful from the information you have?
Have you used all the information?
Have you taken into account all essential notions in the problem?
Can you separate the steps in the problem-solving process? Can you determine the correctness of each step?
What creative thinking techniques can you use to generate ideas? How many different techniques?
Can you see the result? How many different kinds of results can you see?
How many different ways have you tried to solve the problem?
What have others done?
Can you intuit the solution? Can you check the result?
What should be done? How should it be done?
Where should it be done?
When should it be done?
Who should do it?
What do you need to do at this time?
Who will be responsible for what?
Can you use this problem to solve some other problem?
What is the unique set of qualities that makes this problem what it is and none other?
What milestones can best mark your progress?
How will you know when you are successful?

thank you

As often as I say it, I feel like I don't say it often enough: Thank You. Thank you for your effort, your insight, your willingness...