Tuesday, April 30, 2019

brave new essay

Here is your prompt:

In Brave New World, identify a character who conforms outwardly while questioning inwardly. Then write an essay in which you analyze how this tension between outward conformity and inward questioning contributes to the meaning of the work.

Please organize, write, proofread, and publish your essay on your blog by 11:59 A.M. on Sunday, May 5.

april 30


Recent research suggests that excessive texting and overall phone use may be linked to anxiety, distraction, falling grades, repetitive stress injury and sleep deprivation. What does your experience tell you about this? Be sure to support your answer with specific examples.


Why is it that some teachers are more effective than others if they all receive the same training? What makes someone a good teacher?

1. Mindfulness
2. Journal
3. Reflect on yesterday's conversation about teaching & come to agreement/s
3. Brave New World essay brainstorm/preview
4. Last-minute ignite prep

Monday, April 29, 2019

masterpiece academy teaching notes

Here is a summary of the observations you made in class.  Please feel free to comment with any additional feedback.  Thank you for all the great ideas!



  • Prepare
  • Remember to bring whatever you need with you
  • Organize
  • Talk to us; don't just read off your paper or your slides
  • Meet our eyes and share your enthusiasm & passion for your Big Question/idea/skill
  • Give us at least one awesome thing to remember
  • Be clear
  • Be loud enough for us to hear
  • Manage your time
  • Show your confidence
  • Involve your audience 
  •  Dress for success
  • Practice with visuals so audience members can see them easily
  • Stay respectful until the end of the period (no rustling before the bell)
  • Bore us
  • Wait until the last minute/ procrastinate
  • Interrupt
  • Don't crowd visuals with too many distractions
  • Don't hesitate or repeat yourself
  • Be shy

  • Each presentation should be >10 minutes (including Q & A)
  •  How are you presenting? 
    • Do you need Internet connection or other online tools?
    • Are you using PowerPoint or Prezi or Google Slides or ?
    • Are you creating a video to show on YouTube, Vimeo, or another platform?
  • What do you need?
    • Materials
    • Support

april 29

Describe what you did to learn more about your Big Question/ Masterpiece topic over the break.  Then describe the ending of Brave New World and what it meant to you.

1. Mindfulness
2. Journal
3. Welcome to the Masterpiece Academy

  • Process
  • Developing and teaching your topic
  • Calendar
  • Ignite talks Wednesday
4. Brave New World
  • About the reading
  • About the essay you're going to write
Here is a list of themes generated by a previous class.  Choose one of the ideas and write a paragraph in which you explain why this is the central message of the book.  (title: BRAVE NEW THEME)

welcome to the masterpiece academy

It's time for the inmates to take over the asylum.

Each student will show how s/he has become a master.  Each of you will teach the rest of us:

  • How you decided what you're passionate about;
  • The value your topic/field/skill has for us;
  • How you learned more about the topic/field/skill by:
    • Finding resources
    • Becoming fluent in the language of the practitioner
    • Seeking out a mentor 
    • Collaborating and getting feedback from peers/blog followers
  • How this has enriched your life and your experience in this course.
Per our conversations in class, your presentation should include:
  • Visuals and/or hands-on experiences that bring the audience into your world
  • Enough craft so as to convince us you didn't just throw something together for a grade
  • Handouts or main points you think we should remember.
Please note that there will be a final essay exam based on the curriculum you create, so be sure-- as both presenter and audience member-- that you are getting the maximum understanding and value from everyone's presentations.

We will discuss general expectations and logistics today in class.

masterpiece sign-ups

Please comment to this post to let us know when you would like to present your Masterpiece.  Please also include how much time you'll need, and whether you need any special arrangements for the room (furniture, equipment, visuals, etc.).  This is first-come/first-served, so if you see that there are already presentations for your first choice date, pick another.  Looking forward to your presentations!


May 6 (40 minute period)

May 7

May 8

May 9

May 10

May 13 (40 minute period)

May 14
Yaraldi Garcia (10 minutes)

May 15
Gladyz Hernandez (10 minutes)
Maria Magana (10 minutes)
Alejandra Medina (10 minutes)
Alberto Solis (10 minutes)

May 16
Mari Lopez (10 minutes)
Gissel Alvarado (10 minutes)
Jose Vargas (10 minutes)
Mariana Santiago-Mejia (10 minutes)

May 17
Liset Alonso (10 minutes)
Emmanuel Lopez (10 minutes)
Araceli Pacheco (10 minutes)
Alvaro Santana (10 minutes)
Jose Velasco (10 minutes)

May 20 (40 minute period)
Nathaniel Chavez (10 minute)
Misael Martinez-Diaz (10 minutes)
Abel Santana (10 minutes)

May 21
Sam Alonso (10 minutes)
Abby Ardenio (15 minutes)
Kevin Raymundo (10 minutes)
Adolfo Rojas (10 minutes)

May 22
Andrea Nuñez (20 minutes)
David Garcia (10 minutes)
Citlally Lemus (10 minutes)
Evelin Salcedo (10 minutes)

May 23
Dani Gonzalez (15 minutes)
Daisean Leekins (10 minutes)
Cynthia Ortega (10 minutes)
Miguel Sanchez-Damian (10 minutes)

May 24
Mario Hernandez (20 minutes)
Carlos Gutierrez (10 minutes)
Jose Vargas (10 minutes)

Thursday, April 18, 2019

ignite talks

Traditional speakers at professional conferences talk for an extended period of time, either as a keynote speaker, workshop facilitator, or panelist.

A few years ago a new trend emerged in the world of sharing ideas.  TED and other conferences made shorter talks popular.  These were kind of like the intellectual version of "speed dating."  At one conference where I presented, there was a series of "ignite talks"-- these were designed to be high-energy, exciting introductions to ideas that would get the audience thinking and hungry for more.  They were also required to be no longer than five minutes.  (You can see one I did at the 14:00 mark HERE.

On Cake Wednesday the week after Spring Break (May 1) every single member of our learning community will give an ignite talk.  There will be no passes, no "I forgot"s, no exceptions.

How will we manage this?

Our ignite talks will be no more than one minute long.

"Impossible!" you say.  Nonsense.  You can see links to previous speakers and topics HERE, HERE, and HERE.

Here is what each ignite talk will include:

  • Your big question/ masterpiece topic (1-2 sentences)
  • One thing you did over the break to explore your question/topic (1 sentence)
  • One thing you learned by exploring over the break (1 sentence)
  • One connection you see between this course or something we read and your question/topic (1 sentence)
  • What you're doing next (1 sentence)
Since we will not have time for audience questions on the day we give our ignite talks, please also create a post for your blog (title: IGNITE TALK) in which you write out these 5-6 sentences and invite commenters to contribute ideas or questions.  If you have any questions or technical challenges please email or comment to this post.

Looking forward to learning from you!

april 18

How are you going to keep your momentum going over Spring Break?  What will you do to learn about your Big Question?  How will you remember and use what we've read?

1. Mindfulness
2. Journal
3. Discussion
4. BQ info & preview of life after break

  • 18: chapters in Brave New World that you've read to finish the book
  • 3: new/revised posts containing BNW reading notes
  • 25: minimum (total) posts on your blog
  • 10: minimum number of followers on your blog
  • ONE: fully prepared ignite talk (see post above for details)
  • ONE: post about your ignite talk (see post above for details)

asking for a friend

Please follow this link and vote for "Giraffes" -- I will explain in class. 😃

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

brave new world indeed

Whoa.  We may not be growing whole people in labs, but we can create more and more parts...  This just in: scientists in Israel have 3D printed a human heart, with blood vessels and all.  You can read the whole story HERE.

april 17

When does it make sense to keep quiet and act like you know what's up (even if you don't), and when does it make sense to ask for information that will help you understand?  Please explain your answer.

1. Mindfulness
2. Journal
3. Chapter 16 (?)
3. Big Question work

1. Recruit at least 10 people to follow your blog.  This group should include at least one mentor (i.e., a person you respect for their knowledge, experience, wisdom, perspective, etc.)

2. Post a paragraph on your blog in which you explain what you're doing.  Describe your topic, what you're learning about it, and what you plan to teach us. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

april 16

[*Please Note: today there is no choice on the journal topic.  I want to know what you know.]

Please describe and explain John's reaction to his mother calling him "Pope" in Chapter 14.  How does this scene relate to the theme of family in the novel?  Why are the children there and how do they respond to this moment?

1. Mindfulness
2. Journal
3. Discussion
4. Chapter 15

Please post your reading notes for Chapter 15 (title: READING NOTES BNW CHAPTER 15)

Please read Chapter 16 and bring your notes (on your blog or on paper) to class tomorrow (Tuesday)

Monday, April 15, 2019

april 15

Today is Tax Day.  Paying taxes means that we made money, and that we provide funding for services like fire departments, police departments, roads, schools, and other public works that we couldn't afford as individuals.  So why do so many people complain about paying taxes?  What is your opinion?


Choose your own.

1. Mindfulness
2. Journal
3. BNW Q & A
4. Chapter 15
4. Big Question/Masterpiece work

Now that you have an idea of your topic, it's time to learn more.  Here are three steps that will help you begin your research this week:
  1. Go online and search the key words for your topic 
  2. Identify at least 5 credible sources that have useful information
  3. Create a post on your blog where you can copy and keep links to these sources
1. What did you find today?  How did you find it?  (title: MY BIG QUESTION RESEARCH; first sentences: "Some people think research is boring because they have to do it for a class, and it's usually about something that's not interesting.  But today I did research and it was awesome.  Here's how I did it.  _____")

2. Create a post on your blog where you can copy and keep links to these sources.
You'll need to have this completed post on your blog by tomorrow, so that you easily reference and use the information to create your Masterpiece Academy lesson for us.  More on that tomorrow!

Friday, April 12, 2019

social engineering & information security

There are many ways to gain access to others' devices and digital information.  Some practices are known to information security experts as "social engineering."  Social engineering, in the context of information security, refers to psychological manipulation of people into performing actions or divulging confidential information. (Source: Wikipedia)

For example: A person may ask to insert a USB into your device, or send an email to download a file to your device.  Performing these tasks can insert malware that can do all sorts of harm.

This sort of thing can even happen to adult professionals in the information business; read THIS ARTICLE for a recent example. (Thanks, BoingBoing!)

april 12

If (the month) April had a personality, what would it be like?  Please describe in detail.


Choose your own topic.

1. Mindfulness
2. Journal
3. Check-in: completed work for the week
4. Big Question-->Masterpiece/Academy
5. Extension: Big Question research

What did you find today?  How did you find it?  (title: MY BIG QUESTION RESEARCH; first sentences: "Some people think research is boring because they have to do it for a class, and it's usually about something that's not interesting.  But today I did research and it was awesome.  Here's how I did it.  _____")

Thursday, April 11, 2019

april 11

It's been really wonderful to hear about your Big Questions this week.  Curiosity and passion are two of the qualities that make us uniquely human-- in fact, for our thinkers who are wondering how Artificial Intelligence will change the world, have a look at THIS.  Then, give the question some thought: What can computers and robots do best, and which jobs/roles in society are best served by humanity?  What human qualities are impossible for a machine to program, imitate, replace, or learn?


Choose your own topic.

1. Mindfulness/journal
2. Finish conferences
3. Finish self-assessments
4. Finish independent work for the week and post to your blogs

Please complete your reading (through the end of Chapter 14) and post your notes.

memes, big questions, and the way we see the world

This morning I talked with a student about her Big Question topic: Memes.  Just a little while later, I ran across THIS ARTICLE.  I love the way Big Questions make me more aware of so many interesting things to think about!  Moments like this make me remember that we can all improve the way we see the world.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

april 10

Why do you think some people like brain teasers and riddles and puzzles that others find frustrating?


Choose your own topic.

1. Mindfulness/journal
2. Read and post notes for BNW Chapters 13 & 14
3. Self-assessments
4. Conferences

Please post your reading notes for Chapter 13 and 14.

Monday, April 8, 2019

april 9

It's natural to wonder how things would be different if we were in charge.  If you were teaching this class, what would you do differently?  Why?


Choose your own topic.
1. Mindfulness
2. Journal
3. Conferences
4. Independent work: finish Chapter 12; begin Chapter 13 and post notes; update blog; complete/add to journal; Big Question work

april 8

Today begins an era of choice.  For the rest of the semester, you may choose to write on the topic I suggest, or you may write about anything else that seems more interesting or important to you.

Think back on what we've read so far.  What characters/scenes/ideas are your favorites?  Why?


Choose your own topic.

1. Mindfulness
2. Journal
3. Brave New World Chapter 12
4. Preparing for the rest of the week

Please post your reading notes for Chapter 12 (title: BNW READING NOTES CHAPTER 12)

Please get ready for your conference.  Bring your journal and your blog up to date, and be ready to talk about your Big Question.

Friday, April 5, 2019

april 5

Describe a time you damaged something and had to repair it.  (This can be an object, or a course grade, or a relationship, or ...?)

1. Mindfulness
2. Journal
3. Finish Chapter 11 in BNW
4. Independent work: blogs/journals
5. Individual conferences

Please post your reading notes for Chapter 11 (title: BNW READING NOTES CHAPTER 11)

Thursday, April 4, 2019

questions for you

  1. What was the main event in Chapter 9?  
  2. What was the main event in Chapter 10?
  3. Why were people interested in seeing John but not Linda?  (Describe at least 2 reasons.)
  4. How does Linda die?
  5. How far did you read in Chapter 11?

april 4

What is the action in Chapter 10?  Why does this happen and what outcome do you predict?  Is this an example of an inciting incident, or rising action, or climax, or resolution?  Support your thesis with at least one quote or example from the text.

1. Mindfulness
2. Journal / review lit terms
3. Press conference: ask DP anything from Chapters 9, 10, 11
4. Get ready to answer some questions from those very same chapters

Does it help to talk about the reading with people who are also interested in the book?  How does it feel when they know what you're talking about?  How does it feel when they have no idea what you're talking about?  (title: BOOK CLUB OF ONE)

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

april 3

Please describe and explain your working process in class yesterday.  Did you set goals?  Did you discuss your work and/or collaborate with others?  Did you post to your blog and/or update your lit circle's doc?  Did you finish what you set out to do?  What do you imagine others (students, teachers) would say about your work?  How do you feel about your performance?

1. Mindfulness
2. Journal
3. Check-in on progress
4. Brave New World
  • Q&A
  • Analysis
  • Written questions on Chapter 9 & 10 (due at end of period 4)

What do you want to learn and get good at in this course between now and June? (title: ENDGAME)

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

april 2

Think of something that you know with confidence, or something that you know how to do really well.  How can you prove your knowledge to someone who doubts you?

1. Mindfulness (*you're on your own this morning, so the practice is up to you)
2. Journal
3. Today's journal is especially meaningful.  Today I have been asked to proctor an exam.  The exam is being given -- like so many exams these days -- because of a general sense in our culture that it's easier to trust data than people.  Which makes me think of your blogs.  Please work hard on these today so that I can see progress.  If I do, we will pick up the reading tomorrow as usual.  If I don't, we will have an exam on what we've read so far.
4.  Read Chapter 10 and post your notes

Please post your Chapter 10 reading notes (title: BNW READING NOTES CHAPTER 10)

Monday, April 1, 2019

april 1

JOURNAL TOPIC: [today's tunes: "(Now & Then There's) A Fool Such As I" by Hank Snow; "Ship of Fools" by Robert Plant]

You have seven minutes to write an epic poem about a unified theory of consciousness and the history of the papacy concentrating especially but not exclusively on its social, political, economic, religious, and philosophical impact on Europe, Asia, America, and Africa. Be brief, concise, and specific. Be ready to recite your poem from memory in any ancient language (except Greek) to the 2000 people who will be waiting expectantly on the field outside our room in eight minutes.


Attempt to explain why people like the experience of making/being made a fool at least once a year.

1. Journal
2. Checking in: Friday's work and reading progress
3. Chapter 9 of BNW

Your reading notes for Chapter 9 (title: BNW Reading Notes Chapter 9)

thank you

As often as I say it, I feel like I don't say it often enough: Thank You. Thank you for your effort, your insight, your willingness...