Tuesday, March 26, 2019

march 26

Today's topic comes with a story.  Last Friday Ms. Anderson (my former student and favorite SMJUHSD substitute teacher) dropped by just before class with some food she thought I might like.  I turned it down and asked if I could re-gift it to students.  You should have seen the smile on Ms. Anderson's face when I told her why.  Later we exchanged texts.  Mine's in blue, hers is in gray:

This is a fairly recent thing for me.  For most of my life I put away more than my fair share of burgers, steaks, chicken, ribs, eggs, fish, cheese, butter, etc.  I used to defend my way of life to my vegan and vegetarian friends.  But over time things have changed, and I've learned more about the subject.  Animals grown for food are often sickly and stuffed with antibiotics.  The way they're raised is horrible for the environment.  When my cousin had a major heart attack in December, he started eating vegan, and when he told his doctors -- some of the best -known cardiologists in San Diego -- they said, "Yup.  Us too."  That was the tipping point for me.

People eat differently for all sorts of cultural and personal reasons.  When I was in graduate school I dated a woman from Taiwan who loved plucking the eyes out of steamed catfish with her chopsticks.  In my travels I've eaten ants, grasshoppers, horse, yak, durian, Lucky Charms, and many other things that are delicious to some and disgusting to others.  There is tremendous beauty in the way our planet provides nutrition and we share that nutrition with each other.  Childhood memories, first dates, holidays & special occasions, and even business meetings revolve around food.

Today I watch students eat Hot Cheetos and processed meat and drink chocolate milk all the time, even though our school is right in the middle of some of the most fertile farmland in the world.  I don't criticize anyone for their eating habits, but I do wonder: why do any of us eat what we eat?  Because it tastes good?  Because we're used to it?  Because of our relationships with the people who make food for us?  Because we don't have enough money or enough freedom to make different choices?  Because it's the best fuel for energy or the healthiest nutrition?

What do you eat?  Why?

1. Mindfulness
2. Journal
3. Reflection on yesterday
4. BNW Chapter 8

1. How do we manage the choices in our lives that we can control?  Think back on the last few days: you're in charge of your mind, of how you wake up in the morning, and what you put in your face.  How do your decisions about these things help make you more powerful and successful?  (title: IT'S MY LIFE) 
2. Please post your Chapter 8 reading notes (title: BNW Notes Chapter 8)

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thank you

As often as I say it, I feel like I don't say it often enough: Thank You. Thank you for your effort, your insight, your willingness...