Thursday, May 2, 2019

may 2

How do you feel about your ignite talk now that it's over?  Are you happy?  Relieved?  Looking forward to learning more?  Thinking you could have done something better if you could do it over again?  Please explain.


Choose your own topic.

1. Mindfulness
2. Journal
* Ignite leftover (José)
3. Debrief: ignite talks and masterpieces
4. Q & A: Brave New World
5. Independent work: masterpiece and/or BNW essay
6. Optional writers' conferences

1. After Helmholtz and Bernard are exiled, John runs off to be alone.  Where does he go?  What happens when he gets there?  Describe the end of the of the novel in 6-8 sentences. (title: THE END OF A BRAVE NEW WORLD)

2. Describe at least two big ideas you got by reading the ending of Brave New World. (title: A BRAVE NEW END OF THE WORLD)

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thank you

As often as I say it, I feel like I don't say it often enough: Thank You. Thank you for your effort, your insight, your willingness...